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Effervescent Tablets

Our proprietary tawa-tawa extract, Euphorbext® (std. 1% bioflavonoids), is available for OEM/ODM production in effervescent format with a wide selection of customizable flavors. For new or custom extracts and formulations, explore our Product Development Services.

SKU: tablets in plastic tube


Euphorbext® in effervescent tablet form is the product of a fruitful research collaboration between Herbanext and the University of San Agustin’s Center for Natural Drug Discovery and Development (CND3). The product is FDA-registered as a food supplement and is available for licensing for use in OEM/ODM production.


Euphorbext® in effervescent tablet form is the product of a fruitful research collaboration between Herbanext and the University of San Agustin’s Center for Natural Drug Discovery and Development (CND3). The product is FDA-registered as a food supplement and is available for licensing for use in OEM/ODM production.