The Herbanext Botanical Garden (HBG) is the biggest private collection of medicinal and aromatic plants in the Philippines covering 74 families, 190 genera, and over 250 species. Included in the collection are 45 species of gingers, 26 aromatic plants, and more than a dozen endemic plant species. The HBG was built primarily as an in-situ plant conservatory, and an educational facility for students who have special interest on medicinal plants and their traditional and modern uses. The HBG was started in 2009 by student interns of Herbanext from the Philippine Science High School Western Visayas campus. The botanical garden has since expanded considerably with every new batch of student interns each summer and now provides a valuable source of study material for students working in the fields of botany, pharmacy, chemistry, and medicine.
Herbanext Laboratories, Inc. Km. 11 National Highway, Bago City, Negros Occ. www.herbanext.com